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Latest updates from Defra on ASF

22nd Aug 2019 / By Rebecca Veale

Defra has updated their situation assessment for African swine fever in South East Asia and Europe.

There has been no change in the overall risk to the UK given the current distribution of ASF in Belgium, Eastern Europe and neighbouring countries - it is still medium. Defra will continue to monitor the situation.

We continue to ensure the latest information is posted on our dedicated ASF webpage.

South East Asia update:

  • Since the last report further outbreaks have occurred across south east Asia

  • Myanmar has confirmed the presence of ASF for the first time

  • Outbreaks have been detected at toll stations (highway checkpoints for animal health supervision) in China, suggesting the illegal movement of infected pigs

  • Human-mediated routes remain important; ASF infected pork was smuggled from Vietnam to Japan, with intent to sell on-line

  • With regular direct flights to the EU and UK from China and eastern Asia, there is a risk of entry of ASFV in products of animal origin from Asia in passenger luggage

Europe update:

  • Since the last report, Romania continues to report high numbers of outbreaks

  • Serbia has now reported ASF in domestic pigs for the first time

  • Bulgaria continues to report outbreaks, including in the commercial sector leading to 20km sanitary zones

  • Outbreaks in wild boar in Bulgaria have been reported in the south of the country, close to the Greek border