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Mental health charity expands East Anglian network

27th Jul 2021 / By Alistair Driver

A leading rural mental health charity, YANA – You Are Not Alone – is spreading its network across East Anglia. 

YANA logoThe welcome move comes at a time of high rates of poor mental health and suicide in farming and rural businesses.

A simple but highly effective concept, YANA provides a confidential helpline, fully funds counselling which can be put in place within days, builds a better understanding of mental health and invests in mental health first aid training and suicide prevention. 

YANA fully funds Mental Health First Aid courses with the aim of getting a mental health first aider into every rural business. 

The 140 strong 'YANA Army' of MH First Aiders represent land agents, grain merchants, vets, police, YFC, agricultural shows, CLA, NFU and a wide spectrum of allied trades and professionals – all of whom now have the skills and confidence to be able to support and signpost colleagues, friends and family.

"The website gives information on support and resources available, symptoms of poor mental health and how to support others," said YANA trustee Matthew Hubbard. "YANA is always pleased to hear from those in farming and rural businesses, so do get in touch!"

For more information:

Follow YANA on twitter: @yanafarming

"If you are involved with farming or any other rural business or trade and are suffering
from depression, anxiety or stress, the rural mental health charity, YANA, can help," Mr Hubbard added.

"The confidential helpline can put you in touch with fully-funded counselling and the
website has good information on signs and symptoms of poor mental health and how
to access support for yourself or others."