NPA Election 2021: First Producer nomination is in!
6th Nov 2020 / By Alistair Driver
The first Producer nomination for the forthcoming election to the NPA's Pig Industry Group (PIG) has been submitted.
Tom Allen, from the South Central region, is a current member of PIG. In his manifesto, he says Brexit is leading the UK into unknown territory, which will no doubt come with numerous challenges.
"The role of the NPA is imperative in ensuring we tackle all of these challenges and opportunities head on, to guarantee the best deal for our industry members," he says.
- You can read Tom's full manifesto HERE, where all Producer manifestos will be published.
- You can read the Allied Industry manifestos submitted so far HERE
- For more information on the NPA elections, including how to nominate, election rules, the timetable, the new NPA structure and updates on who is standing and their manifestos, CLICK HERE