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NPA Election 2021:Two more allied industry nominations

8th Jan 2021 / By Alistair Driver

Two more allied industry representatives have put their names forward for election to the Pig Industry Group (PIG), ahead of voting later this month. 

Steve Urwin, of the Karro Food Group and with 30 years experience in the livestock sector, is the second processor nomination to come forward. 

"If elected, as Agriculture Director for a pork processor, I believe I would be well placed to represent and feed back information to all stakeholders; to ensure the NPA can continue to be a loud, professional and well-respected voice of our industry," he says in his manifesto.

We also have a second nomination from the pharmaceutical sector in the form of Eduardo Velazquez, from Ceva Animal Health, who, having completed his Veterinary Degree in Spain in 2008, has spent most of his working career in the UK.

"I believe my knowledge and experience in these sectors can be an asset for the NPA as I understand the huge impact the Association has in the pig industry and how it can help in its further development and the challenges ahead," he says in his manifesto.

You can view all the Allied Industry nominations received so far HERE

And the Producer nominations HERE

Still time to get your nomination in

Nominations to stand for election to the PIG are open until midday, January 11

Full details on how to submit your nomination can be found on our NPA Election pages and nomination forms can be found in the Members Hot Topics area

Online voting for the 17 places on the PIG opens on January 25

Producer members have 10 votes to elect producer members and allied members have seven votes to elect allied members. Please read the manifestos and use all your votes.