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NPA Election 2024 Q&A - everything you need to know about the PIG elections!

5th Oct 2023 / By Andrea Tranter

Everything you ever wanted to know about the NPA elections but were afraid to ask...

NPA Election 2021 logo

What is the NPA Pig Industry Group?

The PIG is the amalgamated group made up of the former Producer and Allied Industry Groups. They were brought together to help save NPA resources and time and to allow for a much wider cross-industry discussion.

Where can I find out more about the elections? 

Full coverage of the election, including news of the candidates as they step forward, can be found on our dedicated NPA Election 24 web pages. 

How many places are up for election?

PIG is being reduced in size from 17 to 12. You can read more about that HERE.  

  • On the new-look PIG, there will be eight producer and four allied member seats on PIG.
  • Producers will be elected on the basis of the most votes received, rather than on a regional basis.
  • Efforts will be made to ensure a balance between indoor and outdoor production and independent and corporate producers.
  • Allied members will be elected via most votes in four categories – buildings/equipment, health, marketing/processing and nutrition.
  • Producers will only vote for producers, and allied industry for allied industry, with one vote per membership.

How do I put my name forward?  

Complete the relevant nomination form for your membership category. 

  • Producer members can download nomination forms HERE
  • Allied industry members can download nomination forms HERE

Then find two people from within the same category - ie two producers if you’re a producer candidate or two allied members if you’re an allied candidate - to support your nomination. 

They must be NPA members - otherwise, your nomination will not be accepted. 

Supporters need to countersign the form either physically or electronically - or send you an email confirming they are supporting your nomination. The email must be returned with your nomination form. 

You will also need to send a manifesto and a high resolution head and shoulders photo of yourself. 

Email all of the above to

How will members know what I have to offer?

As part of your nomination, you need to submit a manifesto of up to 250 words, which should include a brief description about you and what you aim to bring to the association, if elected. 

Your full manifesto will be published on the dedicated area on our website just for the elections. An edited version of all manifestos will appear in February’s edition of Pig World.

When does my nomination have to be in by?

You have until midday on Monday, January 8, 2024 to get your nomination in.

When will voting start?

Email voting opens on Tuesday, January 23, while postal ballots will be sent to those who have not or cannot vote on line on Monday, February 5. 

Only one vote may be cast per membership number - you must therefore agree who puts the casting vote forward.

Voting closes on February 22. 

If I am elected, what will be expected of me?

The PIG will meet four times a year and it is expected that two of these meetings will be held online. 

Meetings are usually held in London or on occasion at Stoneleigh Park. As part of the PIG you may be asked to help by sitting on a working or steering group on behalf of NPA staff and to represent the association in areas of policy you are interested in and comfortable with.

You will be expected to feed back information from the meetings to other producers or companies in your area or sector as well as feed in information from them too.

I am busy. Will being a member of the PIG take up a lot of time?

No it won’t but if elected, it’s for a minimum of three years so you should ensure you are able to commit your time.

NPA seems to be doing a perfectly good job. Do you need me?

NPA does a good job because of its excellent staff AND the commitment of its elected representatives.

The same people can’t carry the burden of responsibility indefinitely - others need to come forward to bring fresh ideas and energy to an ever-changing set of challenges faced by the industry.

If I am elected, can I really influence policy?

Absolutely you can! The NPA is your representative trade association for your pig business.

It is essential that it represents and indeed supports its members regardless of scale, production system or field of operation. The least you should do is talk to the people who have been elected to represent you, but how much better to take on that role yourself for a term? 

The chief executive and her staff completely depend on the PIG to develop and guide policy and the actions which the association takes in dealing with the challenges that arise.

We are entering a period which will be as challenging as any seen in our 20 year history. Be a part of it!