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No deal Brexit - contact your MP!

15th Oct 2019 / By Alistair Driver

The NPA has thanked members who have already contacted their MPs to explain how a Brexit no deal could cause long-term damage to the UK pork sector.

parliamentAnd we are urging anyone who has not yet done to use the template letter forwarded to members to make your voices heard. 

We are particularly concerned about the Government’s proposals for the tariffs it will impose on imports in the event of a no deal.

For pork, these would amount to only 3-5%, making very little difference to the cost of imports, not just from the EU but from around the world, including the likes of the US, where costs of production are currently around 50p/kg lower than ours. Meanwhile, UK exports of pork to the EU would face tariffs of up to 45%, which would have a big impact, particularly on our ability to export cull sows.

NPA chairman Richard Lister said: “The present set of proposed tariffs from the Government leave our sector completely exposed to unlimited imports and, given the fact that we would lose a big proportion of our exports to the EU, producers would be going out of business very quickly as lower standard imports overwhelm the market.”

With the UK set to leave the EU in three weeks’ time, we need as many members to rally to this as possible, and outline the shortcomings of this approach,” Mr Lister said.

Members should have received a template letter by now. This should amended where necessary for your business or circumstances.

If you have not received one, please email

For further background information, the NPA has updated its no deal guidance briefing, which can be found here 

This latest campaign follows the success of our farrowing crates campaign, which has seen lots of members explain to their MPs why crates should not be banned.