NPA members urged to highlight Election manifesto priorities to prospective MPs
16th Apr 2024 / By Alistair Driver
NPA members are being urged to highlight the key points of the NPA's Election Manifesto at every opportunity to prospective MPs.
The NPA published its manifesto earlier this year, with calls for fairness in the supply chain protection for our borders from diseases like African swine fever (ASF) and a balanced approach to regulation at its core.
The manifesto sets out three overriding priorities for the pig sector:
- A supply chain that works for all.
- Investment in Britain’s biosecurity.
- Protection for our world-leading animal health and welfare.
You can view the manifesto HERE
NPA chief executive Lizzie Wilson said: "Our manifesto contains some simple, but very important messages.
"We urge all members to print out copies and use the manifesto to highlight our priorities at every opportunity you get with prospective candidates over the coming months. And, please, let us know when you've done this and how you got on!"
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