NPA convenes important meeting on tail biting
8th Aug 2018 / By Alistair Driver
NPA chief executive Zoe Davies will attend a meeting today involving Defra, APHA, pig producers, vets, scientific experts and AHDB to discuss tail biting.
The NPA convened the meeting in response to increased scrutiny of pig producers’ decisions and actions around tail docking. Government and industry representatives will discuss what actions the industry needs to take and what support the government could provide to tackle the problem.
“This is a pivotal meeting for the pig industry as it will define how Government and industry work together in future on the intractable problem that is tail biting," Zoe said. "We are very keen for all parties to come with an open mind so we can forge a collective response and agree a reasonable approach that ensures better compliance with the law whilst also protecting pig welfare."
There has been a renewed focus on tail biting this year, as Defra clamps down on tail docking on pig farms, partly in response to pressure from the European Commission.
Routine tail docking has been flagged up during a number of cross compliance inspections in recent months.
Defra clarified its position recently. A Defra spokesperson said: “Routine tail docking is not permitted by law. Pig farmers need to demonstrate at inspections that tail docking has been used as a last resort after taking the necessary steps, as described in the current welfare codes, to reduce the risks of tail biting. This includes actions to improve the pigs’ environment and their management.
“We want to see full compliance and, to aid enforcement, we have consulted on a new statutory pig welfare code, and are currently analysing responses.”