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NPA welcomes extension of climate change scheme

10th Jun 2020 / By Alistair Driver

The NPA has welcomed the two-year extension to the current Climate Change Agreement (CCA) scheme, which provides substantial discounts to the Climate Change Levy (CCA).

The Government announced the extension of the scheme in the Spring Budget, with precise terms now out for consultation.

Eligible businesses that sign a CCA receive a discount to the CCL, the tax added to electricity and fuel bills, in return for reducing their energy use and carbon emissions in line with agreed targets.

NFU Energy marketing & communications leader Jenny Beynon said the discounts represent considerable savings – currently 92% for electricity, 81% for natural gas, and 77% for LPG. New targets will be put in place from January 2021, allowing the extension of the scheme beyond its current March 2023 end date to March 2025.

In addition, the scheme will be open to new eligible businesses for the first time since October 2018. Government is also considering the potential for a future scheme beyond March 2025.

"So, if you are not already part of the CCA scheme, now is a good time to consider joining to gain access to those vital CCL discounts while becoming more energy-efficient and cutting carbon emissions," Ms Beynon said.

The deadline for new applications to the Environment Agency (EA) is September 30, 2020.

NFU Energy administers the pig, poultry and horticulture, CCA schemes, providing expert help and guidance to members of the scheme. it currently represents around 700 farm and nursery businesses

There is an initial registration fee to set up your CCA plus an annual membership fee to cover ongoing advice, administration and support, including the collection and processing of data, returns to the EA. To apply, call 024 7669 6512.

NPA policy services officer Lizzie Wilson said: "This is a great opportunity for pig producers that want to join the scheme and save money in return for reducing energy use, and proves just how committed and capable our industry is perceived to be."