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11th Aug 2020


Do you want to negotiate for success?

Do you want to negotiate for success?

AHDB has organised a free webinar on 14 September to help you to develop skills in negotiating for success in your business.

Ged Futter from The Retail Mind and mixed farmer and vet Charlie Thompson will cover several aspects of how to negotiate for a successful outcome, different techniques to try and how to plan a strategy before entering a negotiation.

10th Aug 2020


Global pork production forecast rises by 2% as Chinese production rebuilds

The USDA has released its latest view on world markets and trade for livestock. 2020 forecast global pork production has been raised by 2% to 96 million tonnes, still 5.5% lower than in 2019 , AHDB analyst Jennie Tanner reported.

The rise is largely due to higher than expected pork production in China, which is in the midst of producers rebuilding their herds to take advantage of high domestic prices in the wake of African Swine Fever (ASF), which decimated the country’s herd.

5th Aug 2020


Why it's not weak to speak

YNPA member Lee Thompson, a finishing fieldsman at Wayland Farms, explains why he is break the stigma held around mental health in farming

31st Jul 2020


NPA calls for pig sector's environmental contribution to be recognised in new ELM scheme

The NPA is calling for pig production to have a more formal and recognised role in the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme.

30th Jul 2020


MPs pick up on NPA concerns over post-COVID protectionism

MPs have picked up on the NPA’s concerns over how term COVID-19 could result in a long-term shift towards protectionism in international trade.

30th Jul 2020


Quarterly Red Tractor farm visits to resume in August

Quarterly Red Tractor vet visits to pig farms are to resume from the start of August, after they were suspended in March due to COVID-19.

30th Jul 2020


Producers' views sought on insect protein - last chance to respond

ADAS is seeking producers' views on the feasibility of insect meal as alternative novel protein to that of soybean meal and fishmeal. 

29th Jul 2020


Farrowing crates update

The NPA's Rebecca Veale has posted an update on the future of farrowing crates in the Members Area. 

29th Jul 2020


National Food Strategy sets out measures to protect UK food standards - NPA reaction

The first part of National Food Strategy has set out the steps the Government should take to protect food standards under future trade deals.

28th Jul 2020


No greening requirement in England from next year

Defra has confirmed that greening requirements will be dropped in England next year, as the agricultural transition commences.