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9th Sep 2020


A round up of the big Brexit issues

Brexit is back on the agenda in a big way, with a number of key issues that could affect the pig sector coming to the fore over the past few days. 

8th Sep 2020


NPA expresses concern over breeding stock exports after EU Exit

The NPA has expressed concern about the ability of the UK pig sector to export live breeding pigs after the transition period ends at the start of 2021.

8th Sep 2020


Roadhogs Recruitment celebrates 30 years in British Pig Industry

Roadhog Recruitment celebrates three decades of assisting British and international pig farmers in the task of recruiting staff this month. 

7th Sep 2020


NPA to give social media push to AHDB pork campaign

The NPA’s consumer facing social media pages will be helping to promote AHDB’s October campaign promoting the use of pork with recipe inspiration.

7th Sep 2020


Producer margins drop back as feed costs rise

GB pig producer margins fell back in the second quarter of this year, as rising feed prices cancelled out higher pig prices.

4th Sep 2020


Production resumes at Cranswick Ballymena plant

Production ihas resumed at Cranswick’s plant in Ballymena on Monday, after the site was shut for a fortnight due to a COVID-19 cluster.

4th Sep 2020


NPA's Andrea Tranter elected onto LIPS exec team

NPA office manager Andrea Tranter has been elected onto the Ladies in Pigs (LIPS) executive team. 

4th Sep 2020


How do we get more young people involved in the pig industry?

Young NPA member Flavian Obiero gives his views on how to get more young people into the pig sector

2nd Sep 2020


NPA and PVS hold constructive talks with Zac Goldsmith on farrowing crates

NPA and PVS representatives ad a constructive discussion with Defra Minister Zac Goldsmith on farrowing crates this morning. 

2nd Sep 2020


European Commission looks to fill hole left by 'Big Phil's' resignation

The European Commission is facing up to the difficult task of replacing Irish politician Phil Hogan in the key role of Trade Commissioner.