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12th May 2020


Producers urged to step up precautions as processors continue to face COVID-19 challenges

COVID-19 issues relating to staff absence continue to be reported in meat processing plants, including pork sites, demonstrating that this disease outbreak is far from over.

12th May 2020


eMB-Pigs first quarter deadline today

Producers are reminded that today is the deadline to submit antibiotic data from the first quarter of 2020 onto the eMB-Pigs database.

11th May 2020


Lockdown is not easy - and makes me appreciate what we have

The NPA's office manager Andrea Vickers explains how working from home can present added mental strains. 

11th May 2020


Lallemand and AHDB to host heat stress webinar on May 13

Lallemand Animal Nutrition and AHDB are holding a webinar on May 13 to discuss what heat stress is, how it can affect your farm and what can be done to manage it.

10th May 2020


YNPA comment: Take care of yourselves and each other

In the latest in our series on the mental health implications of COVID-19, Young NPA chair Wes Udall explains why the group is supporting an important farming charity.

8th May 2020


It wasn't only the pigs that wasted during the PCV2 outbreak

In the latest in our series on the mental health implications of COVID-19, Paul Toplis, from AB Agri, recalls how previous crises played out in the pig sector. 

7th May 2020


A summary of business support during the COVID-19 crisis

The NPA's Rebecca Veale has put together a comprehensive summary of what is on offer in the Government's various COVID-19 support schemes. 

7th May 2020


How farmer-vet dialogue can ease some of the COVID-19 strain

In the latest in our series on the mental health implications of the COVID-19 outbreak, pig vet Gemma Thwaites explains how dialogue beween farmer and vet can help

6th May 2020


The impact of COVID-19 on PPE supplies for agriculture

NFU farm safety and transport adviser Tom Price has written a comprehensive article about the impact of COVID-19 on personal protective equipment (PPE) on farms. 

6th May 2020


COVID-19 - a time to support and look out for each other

The NPA's Rebecca Veale and Rob Mutimer explain why the pig sector needs to be looking out for each other at this time.