Pig World podcast - hear Rob Mutimer talking pigs and NPA priorities
26th Apr 2021 / By Alistair Driver
New NPA chairman Rob Mutimer is the main guest on Pig World's first ever podcast, Pigs Today, which is now available to download.
Rob talks about how he got into pigs, the unique nature of keeping outdoors 365 days a years and how his business has coped with the turmoil of of the past 12 months, and highlights the big issues currently on the NPA's agenda, including the future of farrowig crates and the NPA's request for a COVID compensatio package.
The podcast also features Fiona Lucas, a member of Ladies in Pigs, talking about how she wants to use her Lincolnshire Cookery School to promote British pork. The episode also includes the latest news and a market update.
Over the coming days the podcast will be live on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and more but you can now stream the first episode via Anchor, Spotify and PocketCasts.