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13th May 2021


Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill introduced in Parliament

The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, which ensures vertebrate animals will be recognised as sentient beings in UK law has been introduced in Parliament.

13th May 2021


Important article for members regarding animal rights activity

The NPA's Lizzie Wilson has written an article in the Members' Area that we urge all members to read, particularly if you keep pigs. 

12th May 2021


NPA welcomes Government commitment to work with industry on the new Animal Welfare Action Plan

The NPA has pledged to work with Defra to achieve a sensible outcome for members following the publication of the new Animal Welfare Action Plan. 

12th May 2021


Farmers urged to take #5for5 during Mental Health Awareness Week

During Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, RABI is asking the farming community to t take five minutes to reach out to five friends. 

11th May 2021


Supporting 'Persistently High Users' in reducing their antibiotic usage

The NPA’s Rebecca Veale explains what the focus on 'Persistently High Users' under the next set of antibiotic targets will entail. 

10th May 2021


NPA 'disappointed' at Natural England white-tailed eagle decision

The NPA has said it is disappointed with Natural England’s decision to approve an application for the reintroduction of white-tailed eagles on a Norfolk estate.

7th May 2021


Proposed new £75m pork plant could provide outlet for culls sows in NI

Plans have been submitted for a new specialist £75m cull sow pork processing plant in Northern Ireland.

7th May 2021


eMB quarterly deadline looming

The quarterly deadline for submitting antibiotic data onto the eMB-Pigs database is this Wednesday.

7th May 2021


Reintroduction of PAP in feed would present opportunities, but barriers would need to be overcome

The possibility of the Processed Animal Protein (PAP) being reintroduced in pig and poultry feed at EU level has moved a big step closer. 

6th May 2021


NPA member sends 1,000 breeding pigs to China

NPA member Charlie Thompson, from Northamptonshire, sent 1,000 breeding pigs to China last week.