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28th Jul 2021


Defra response to NPA request for support 'extremely disappointing'

Defra has once again rejected the NPA’s request for a COVID compensation scheme for the English pig sector, claiming it would ‘not be appropriate’.

28th Jul 2021


Defra to hold webinar on new Export Health Certificates (EHCs)

Defra will be holding a further webinar for traders on August 4 to answer questions on the new Export Health Certificates (EHCs).

27th Jul 2021


Mental health charity expands East Anglian network

A leading rural mental health charity, YANA – You Are Not Alone – is spreading its network across East Anglia. 

26th Jul 2021


New benchmarking feature for eMB

eMB has a new benchmarking feature to enable you a to see whether your unit(s) falls in the top 5% or 10% of antibiotic users for your holding type.

26th Jul 2021


An update on the state of the pig market around the EU

The NPA's Rebecca Veale joined a Copa meeting on July 23 to discuss the current market situation and give an update on the latest from the UK.

23rd Jul 2021


Jury still out on Government quarantine announcement - and more action needed on labour!

The Government has announced that food workers will be exempt from isolation rules, although the NPA has said it is still unclear how this will operate in practice.

22nd Jul 2021


NPA seeks Government action to avert pig sector labour crisis

The pig sector is edging closer to a major crisis as staff shortages hit pork production, causing backlogs on farms and gaps on supermarket shelves, the NPA has warned.

21st Jul 2021


Why regionalisation will remain a part of Europe's ASF response

Zoe Davies explains why the regionalised approach to ASF and intra-EU/UK trade is set to remain in place. 

21st Jul 2021


CVOs welcome Pig Health and Welfare Council's objectives for current decade

The UK CVOs have welcomed the Pig Health and Welfare Council's objectives for 2020-30, which include embracing new technology to help address disease challenges. 

21st Jul 2021


Department of Transport seeks views on temporary relaxation of Drivers' Hours rules 

The Department of Transport is seeking industry views on the Government’s plans to further relax drivers’ hours and rest periods.