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9th Sep 2021


Pig prices record biggest drop in five years as staff shortages bite

The SPP recorded its biggest fall since 2016 last week as the staff shortages in pork processing plants dampen the market. 

8th Sep 2021


Red Tractor clarifies new welfare training module requirement

Red Tractor scheme members will have three months to complete the new welfare training module for pig units from when it is launched.  

7th Sep 2021


NPA Press Release: Government holds the key to save our pigs from destruction - say UK pig farmers

Time is running out for the UK pig sector, according to the NPA, which has urged the Government to take immediate action to address the labour crisis. 

6th Sep 2021


Zoe tells Today programme staff shortages could lead to flood of cheaper EU imports

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies has warned that the ongoing staff shortages hitting processing plants could lead to an influx of EU pork imports.

6th Sep 2021


#EmptyShelves - we need YOUR help!

Are part of our wider campaign to get the Government to address the labour shortages, we would like YOU to help when you next visit the supermarket!

3rd Sep 2021


NPA chief executive to appear on Radio 4 Today programme

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies is due to appear on the flagship BBC radio 4 Today Programme on Saturday morning. 

3rd Sep 2021


How the NPA is supporting the industry during the biggest crisis in a generation

The current crisis facing the British pig industry is the most challenging in a generation and has come about as a result of a ‘perfect storm’ of unique events.

3rd Sep 2021


First half of 2021 was the pig sector's worst financial situation on record

The first half of 2021 represented the worst financial situation for pig producers on record. 

2nd Sep 2021


New export opportunities as Mexico opens its doors to UK pork

In some welcome good news, Mexico has officially given the green light to British pork exports for the first time.

2nd Sep 2021


If you are struggling... talk to someone

The NPA has urged producers to ensure they speak to someone if they are struggling with the pressure the pig sector industry currently finds itself under.