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#EmptyShelves - we need YOUR help!

6th Sep 2021 / By Andrea Tranter

Are part of our wider campaign to get the Government to take action and address the labour shortages in the food supply chain we would like YOU to help when you next visit the supermarket!

Empty shelvesOur new #EmptyShelves social media campaign will highlight the consequences of the labour problems – all you need to do is take a photo if you spot an empty shelf while out shopping. It doesn’t have to be the meat shelves – any empty shelf is a good example of the problem.

Once you’ve taken the picture, post it on social media with #emptyshelves, tag in the retailer and ask the Government to take action. To make it more effective you could also tag Defra, Home Office and your local MP. Below are some suggested handles you could tag if you use Twitter or Instagram.  

One example might be:

“No bacon in @Sainsburys in Harrogate today. What are the Government doing about this? #EmptyShelves @DefraGovUK @UKHomeOffice @AJonesMP”

The reason this is so important is because the Government is more likely to act when it realises that food is running short and therefore anything we can do to show the extent of the problem helps our case. The more we do, the more likely it is that we will finally see some action.

This is a quick and easy way to shine the spotlight even more onto the current crisis. If you see #EmptyShelves please do you bit to help the NPA to get the Government to solve the labour shortages!

Twitter handles you might want to include: @DefraGovUK, @UKHomeOffice, @PritiPatel, @BorisJohnson, @10DowningStreet

Twitter handles for retailers: @Asda, @Sainsburys, @Tesco, @AldiUK, @LidlGB, @Morrisons, @CoOpUK, @Waitrose, @MarksandSpencer, @IcelandFoods

Instagram handles you might want to include: @DefraUK, @UKHomeOffice, @PritiPatel, @BorisJohnsonUK, @10DowningStreet

Instagram handles for retailers: @Asda, @Sainsburys, @TescoFood, @AldiUK, @LidlGB, @Morrisons, @CoOpUK, @Waitrose, @MarksandSpencer, @IcelandFoods