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15th Nov 2021


Members' Area - Defra updates WATOK advice

Defra has updated its WATOK licence advice, including for slaughter or killing outside of an FSA-approved slaughterhouse.

12th Nov 2021


Pig producers suffered further big losses during Q3, despite higher prices

Pig producers continued to suffer significant losses in the third quarter of this year, despite rising pig prices. 

11th Nov 2021


Environment Agency responds to MPs' calls for clarity over Farming Rules for Water

The EA has responded to a request from MPs for clarity on its interpretation of rules on the spreading of organic manure by farmers this autumn.

10th Nov 2021


#BiteIntoBritish message continues to spread on social media

The #BiteIntoBritish message continues to spread on social media, highlighting the many benefits of putting British food on your plate.  

9th Nov 2021


UK supply chain commits to cut deforestation in soya sourcing by 2025

UK industry leaders from 27 major businesses have committed to cutting deforestation and habitat destruction out of UK soy supply chains by 2025.

9th Nov 2021


Key reports highlight pig sector's continuing progress on antibiotics

Two reports, published today, have highlighted the progress the UK pig sector continues to make in reducing its antibiotic usage, despite the ongoing challenges it faces.

8th Nov 2021


Three little pigs and big bad wolf descend church for charity

Cameron Naughton donned his pig onesie once again on Saturday, as ‘three little pigs and the big bad wolf’ abseiled down the local church. 

5th Nov 2021


Well-meaning support package must not be allowed to crash pig price

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies has called for proper oversight of the Government’s pig industry support package to avoid unintended consequences.

5th Nov 2021


It's OK to reach out to others - in fact, it's essential if we're to get through this

RABI’s regional manager for the North, Sally Connor, from a pig farming family, offers a personal and professional perspective on the current industry pressures

4th Nov 2021


NPA welcomes Morrisons' moves to support British pig farmers

NPA chairman Rob Mutimer has welcomed Morrisons' announcement of measures to back the British pig sector at its time of crisis.