National Pig Association - The voice of the British pig industry

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10th Mar 2022


NPA highlights industry plight at parliamentary reception

The NPA highlighted the pig industry's disastrous situation at a parliamentary reception this week.

9th Mar 2022


Porkwatch: Which retailers are backing British pig farmers?

The January AHDB Porkwatch showed relatively healthy overall support for fresh British pork, but, as always, there is plenty of room for improvement.

9th Mar 2022


Register now to have a say on how your levy is spent

Levy payers have until the end of this month to register to entitle you vote on AHDB's future priorities - and, indirectly, the size of the levy. 

7th Mar 2022


Follow-up pig industry roundtable meeting keeps the pressure up to reduce backlog

The first follow-up meeting to the February 10 pig industry crisis summit took place on Thursday, to specifically assess the backlog situation.

3rd Mar 2022


Defra launches African swine fever consultation

Defra has launched a 'informal consultation' on proposed amendments to disease control measures for ASF in England.

2nd Mar 2022


NPA welcomes roll out of faster test for bovine TB detection

Defra has announced the roll out of the PCR test for bTB that will reduce the length of time pig herds are held under restriction due to suspect cases.

2nd Mar 2022


Have your say on new animal health and welfare grants

Pig producers are being urged to have a say on what form new Animal Health and Welfare Grants ‘planned for late 2022’ should take.

1st Mar 2022


UK Pig Industry Welfare Training platform launched

The UK Pig Industry Welfare Training platform is launched today, with the first module focusing on the moving and handling of pigs.

25th Feb 2022


The #PorkReport - how are retailers backing UK pig farmers?

The NPA is launching a new social media campaign to highlight what retailers are doing to support British Pig farmers during this time of crisis.

23rd Feb 2022


Minette Batters re-elected as NFU president as new face joins team

Minette Batters has been re-elected as NFU president, meaning the Wiltshire farmer will now serve a third two-year term.