National Pig Association - The voice of the British pig industry

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15th Apr 2022


Pig farmers eligible for Covid Recovery Loan Scheme

We understand that pig farmers are eligible for the Recovery Loan Scheme, which supports access to finance for UK businesses recovering from the Covid pandemic.

14th Apr 2022


'Fed up and struggling to cope' - Wiltshire farmer highlights industry woes

Wiltshire pig farmer Cameron Naughton has again highlighted the huge struggles pig farmers are currently facing. 

12th Apr 2022


UK aid for pig farmers on its way to Ukrainian farms

A consignment of products to help Ukrainian pig farmers is on its way from the UK to the the war-hit country’s pig producing regions.

7th Apr 2022


"We feel the government has completely abandoned us"

NPA member Cameron Naughton reflected the sentiments of many pig farmers on an excellent feature on the pig industry crisis by Channel 4 News.

6th Apr 2022


NPA press release: EFRA report on labour a wake-up call to Government

The NPA has called on the Government to work with the industry to address the labour issues that have crippled the pig sector over the past year.

5th Apr 2022


Producer highlights why soaring costs mean pig price must go beyond £2/kg

A pig producer has highlighted the impact of soaring input costs on their business to demonstrate why the pig price needs to increase beyond £2/kg.

4th Apr 2022


NPA fighting for the future of the pig industry

The NPA is continuing to push at all levels to get pig prices up to a level that ensures a future for pig production in the UK.

4th Apr 2022


NPA bangs the drum on ASF again to Government

The NPA has responded to the Government call for views on their biological security strategy to highlight the risk the national pig herd from ASF. 

1st Apr 2022


NPA South Central Regional meeting - a more positive mood

NPA kicked off this spring’s regional meetings with the South Central event on Wednesday, this time at a new venue in Donnington.

31st Mar 2022


Defra Farming Rules for Water update brings much-needed clarity

Defra’s clarification on the Farming Rules for Water (FRfW) should go some way to clearing up the confusion of last year.