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Swine Dysentery outbreaks - NPA reiterates biosecurity requirements

22nd Mar 2019 / By Alistair Driver

The NPA has highlighted the need for producers to adhere to the strictest biosecurity controls after four Swine Dysentery outbreaks were confirmed in a single day

This follows three outbreaks in three different counties within the north and east regions reported in recent weeks.

Lorry biosecurity 

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies stressed the need to ensure vehicles entering farms are washed properly. Producers are urged to familiarise themselves with AHDB's Standard Operating Procedures for lorry washing and cleansing and disinfecting, as well as general biosecurity procedures, listed here

It is particularly important people using private haulage companies ensure the procedures are strictly adhered to, Zoe said. 

Monitor pigs, report signs 

Producers are being urged to monitor pigs closely for the development of any clinical signs of enteric disease. You must notify your vet immediately if you observe any suspect diarrhoea.

This applies to all producers but particularly anyone who has recently moved pigs from North Yorkshire. 

Significant Diseases charter 

AHDB urged any producers that haven't yet done so to sign up to the Significant Diseases Charter.

"Swine dysentery cases have been confirmed in both the north and the east and, if you’re a member of the industry’s Significant Diseases Charter, you will already have been notified if they are close to your unit.

"The charter is free to join and can be done quickly and simply via your usual Pig Hub account that you use for movements."

General advice 

AHDB has issues some geberal advice to producers:

  • Don’t be scared of asking where any visitors to your pig unit have been previously and, if in doubt, don’t let them on – it’s simply not worth the risk
  • All units should avoid unnecessary visitors and vehicles
  • Also, don’t be afraid to ask your regular suppliers to take extra biosecurity measures
  • Consider your actions and their potential effect on others in the region
  • Make sure all farm equipment stays on farm, including overalls and boots
  • Vehicles need to be properly cleaned, including paying special attention to wheel arches
  • Respect each other’s requests for downtime/a pig-free period