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Fourth case of Swine Dysentery confirmed in one day

22nd Mar 2019 / By Alistair Driver

Four new cases of Swine Dysentery have been confirmed today on pig farms in North Yorkshire and Gloucestershire.

Three of the cases have been identified in North Yorkshire, one of which is a finisher unit. The other was on a Gloucestershire finishing unit. 

The cases continue the worrying escalation of outbreaks in recent weeks. They have prompted a warning to anyone who has recently moved pigs from North Yorkshire to monitor them closely for the development of any clinical signs of enteric disease. You must notify your vet immediately if you observe any suspect diarrhoea.

The latest outbreaks were identified by clinical signs and subsequently confirmed by laboratory tests. Strict biosecurity and biocontainment measures are currently in place and the units are undergoing treatment. One of the units is described as 'responding well' to treatment.

The exact origin of the outbreaks remains unclear, but is currently under investigation, AHDB said. 

The levy body stressed the importance of heightened biosecurity and monitoring for clinical signs over the next few weeks, especially within the North Yorkshire and Gloucestershire regions.

Information on Swine Dysentery can be found on the AHDB website here

Earlier this month, AHDB reported that there had been three outbreaks in three different counties within the north and east regions in the last couple of weeks.

These provide a sharp reminder to check that all possible measures are in place to protect your pigs’ health, 'at all times', the levy body said. It has issued some advice:

  • Don’t be scared of asking where any visitors to your pig unit have been previously and, if in doubt, don’t let them on – it’s simply not worth the risk
  • All units should avoid unnecessary visitors and vehicles
  • Also, don’t be afraid to ask your regular suppliers to take extra biosecurity measures
  • Consider your actions and their potential effect on others in the region
  • Make sure all farm equipment stays on farm, including overalls and boots
  • Vehicles need to be properly cleaned, including paying special attention to wheel arches
  • Respect each other’s requests for downtime/a pig-free period

AHDB urged any producers that haven't yet done so to sign up to the Significant Diseases Charter.

"Swine dysentery cases have been confirmed in both the north and the east and, if you’re a member of the industry’s Significant Diseases Charter, you will already have been notified if they are close to your unit.

"The charter is free to join and can be done quickly and simply via your usual Pig Hub account that you use for movements."