Tackling Tail Biting - understanding the risks
8th Jan 2019 / By Alistair Driver
In the latest article in the Tackling Tail Biting series, AHDB has outlined AHDB the steps to take once you’ve identified the warning signs on farm.
If pig producers are seeing early warning signs of tail biting, the next step is to carry out a thorough assessment of the risks of a tail biting outbreak occuring. It’s the second part of the four-stage process to help tackle tail biting – record, assess, act and review. The approach is one based on a clear methodology and common sense, to help producers take a fresh look at how to tackle the problem and hopefully move towards a lasting reduction in incidence.
Keeping a record of pigs’ behaviour and any early signs of tail biting is a good starting point for assessing risks, as producers should consider, firstly, the early warning signs they see and, secondly, health, environmental and management factors on farm that may be potential risks.
You can read the full article, which appeared in the January issue of Pig World, here
There was temporary relief for pig farmers after APHA agreed to delay a the implementation of a tougher new inspection regime, as part of its clamp down on tail docking. In case you missed it, you can read about it here