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We fight for all your interests - whatever system you operate

1st Sep 2017 / By Zoe Davies

In her latest article for Pig World, NPA chief executive Zoe Davies addresses the indoor-outdoor debate, which has raised its head lately. 

Zoe FSAZoe wrote: "August is typically the month when many officials are on leave, so it’s when I have my member meetings. This is one of the best times of my year, because it means that I get to spend time with my favourite people – yes, that’s you lot!

"Aside from the fact it is good to share what is going on in the crazy world of politics, it’s also important to make sure that the National Pig Association is actually delivering what its members expect. Business is good, too, and it’s great to see how much investment, innovation and positive planning is going on out there. It has made me feel quite refreshed.

"It is, however, sad to see the division between indoor and outdoor producers is growing again. You never hear a peep when everyone is losing money and desperately clinging together for survival, but the minute the coffers fill up, the knives come out!

"The NPA has been accused, from both sides, of favouring one system over the other, which – although one sage producer remarked meant that we must be doing a good job then – does rather highlight the position that we are in. We will be having a debate about how we handle the great indoor/outdoor divide at the next producer group meeting, but just in case anyone out there is wondering, we fight for you all – regardless of system."

To read the article in full click here