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RUMA 2021 Conference

18th Nov 2021 10:00 - 16:00

The Responsible use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (RUMA), will be hosting its annual conference online on Thursday 18th November, 2021.

The conference has a packed programme, with a line-up of highly respected industry speakers from the UK and overseas who will be providing insight into a variety of responsible use topics, inclduding:

  • the positive story of responsible use of medicines in UK farming
  • an introduction to the new RUMA organisation for companion animals and equine and its objectives
  • a look ahead to the UK animal medicines legislation
  • the international context for the responsible use of medicines
  • the story of the UK’s high health and welfare standards in international trade discussions 
  • a look ahead to the next challenges for responsible use of animal medicines

There will also be an opportunity to put forward questions throughout the day.

You can view the full programme and buy tickets here.

You can also follow RUMA on Twitter @RUMA_UK and keep up to date with both the RUMA conference and general RUMA news.

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