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7th Feb 2024


NPA's Katie Jarvis tells news channel Dover ASF budget cuts should be reversed

NPA senior policy advisor Katie Jarvis has uged the Government to put more resources into seizing illegal meat imports at the Port of Dover.

7th Feb 2024


Forum latest - familiarise yourselves with the manifestos and vote!

In the latest forum post, the NPA's Andrea Tranter urges members to familiarise themselves with the NPA election candidates' manifestos - and vote!

7th Feb 2024


Ministers approve AHDB levy rate rises

Ministers in Defra and the Devolved Administrations have approved a 20% increase in the pork levy from April.

5th Feb 2024


Forum latest - help needed on dissertation

The latest post on the forum is a call for help with a survey for a dissertation on UK Farmer awareness of respiratory diseases.

5th Feb 2024


Update - NPA veteran raises £18,000 and counting in January press ups challenge

Richard Longthorp has completed his January press-ups challenge, raising more than £18,000 for fellow Parkinson's sufferers. 

2nd Feb 2024


Lower prices squeeze Q4 margins slightly, but industry remains in profit

Pig producer margins fell back slightly during the final quarter of 2024, but the industry, on average, remains comfortably in the black. 

29th Jan 2024


NPA searching for new senior policy adviser

The NPA is advertising for a new senior policy adviser to help make a real difference in shaping the future of the UK pig industry at this critical time. 

24th Jan 2024


Government intending to introduce pig supply chain regulations in the summer - Spencer

Mark Spencer has confirmed that the Government is intending to introduce new legislation governing pig contracts in the summer.

23rd Jan 2024


UK pigmeat production declines to five-year low

UK pigmeat production fell by 11% to a five-year low in 2023, as slaugherings declined by 10% to the lowest figure in a decade. 

19th Jan 2024


Lizzie highlights industry concerns over Dover funding cuts to Radio 4 listeners

Lizzie Wilson has told Radio 4 listeners of the deep industry concerns over Government plans to slash funding for illegal meat import checks.