National Pig Association - The voice of the British pig industry

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16th Apr 2024


NPA members urged to highlight Election manifesto priorities to prospective MPs

NPA members are being urged to highlight the key points of the NPA's Election Manifesto at every opportunity to prospective MPs. 

8th Apr 2024


Increasing communications to highlight the risks posed by wild boar

The AHDB-led Feral Wild Boar working group met after a hiatus of over a year at the beginning of April. 

8th Apr 2024


NPA members urged to write to MPs to call for action on ASF threat and border controls

The NPA is urging members to write to their MP to call for Government action on African swine fever prevention and border controls.

4th Apr 2024


Members Area - Swine dysentery and activism updates

We have posted seperate updates on Swine Dysentery and on the activism targeting the pig sector in the Members' Area. 

4th Apr 2024


New AHDB Pork Sector Council chair announced

Defra has announced the identity of the new chair of the AHDB Pork Sector Council. 

3rd Apr 2024


BPPF 2024: Pig Forum programme announced

The organisers of the 2024 British Pig & Poultry Fair, which takes place on May 15 and 16, have announced the Pig Forum programme.

2nd Apr 2024


Pig Industry Scholarship Programme offers benefits for all parties

Hugh Crabtree, Farmex director and AHDB board member, highlights the benefits for all parties of the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme.

1st Apr 2024


Lizzie: New PIG starts with a bang, with ASF, contracts and farrowing systems on the table!

NPA chief executive Lizzie Wilson gives an update on the association's recent activity on some key industry issues.

29th Mar 2024


MPs and peers come together to discuss the big issues in pig and poultry

Representatives of the NPA joined other organisations and around 30 Parliamentarians at the Eggs, Pigs & Poultry APPG breakfast reception last week.

28th Mar 2024


Swine flu, pig behaviour, food safety - fascinating insights from the PVS conference

NPA senior policy adviser Katie Jarvis highlights some of the highlights from the recent Pig Veterinary Society meeting.