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Veterinary nomination for PIG elections

12th Nov 2020 / By Alistair Driver

There are now four allied industry nominations for election to the Pig Industry Group, with the latest coming in from the veterinary sector.  

Gemma Thwaites is a partner at the Garth Pig Practice and a Junior Vice President of the Pig Veterinary Society.

"Having a day-to-day knowledge of the health and welfare issues in pig production, allied to my wider understanding of the political drives and concerns, puts me in a strong position to provide a veterinary and health input to the group," she says in her manifesto. 

  • To read Gemma's manifesto, CLICK HERE
  • For more information on the NPA elections, including how to nominate, election rules, the timetable, the new NPA structure and updates on who is standing and their manifestos, CLICK HERE
  • To read what other key NPA figures have to say about the elections, CLICK HERE