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26th Nov 2019


Conservatives drop farrowing crate pledge after NPA lobbying

The Conservatives appear to have dropped a pledge to ban farrowing crates, following a concerted lobbying campaign by the NPA.

26th Nov 2019


Cranswick increases profits as Asian exports soar

Cranswick has reported a 3.6% rise in pre-tax profits to £47.6 million in the six months ended September 30, 2019.

25th Nov 2019


China lifts Canadian pork export ban

The ban on Canadian pork exports to China has been lifted afte four months, paving the way for Canadian producers to benefit from the Chinese import boom.

24th Nov 2019


David Black Award winner praises team effort behind antibiotic reductions

NPA chairman Richard Lister described the pig industry’s success in driving down antibiotic use as a team effort as he received the coveted David Black Award.

22nd Nov 2019


Becca's blog: Celebrating antibiotic progress, but with more to be done

In her latest blog, NPA senior policy advisor Rebecca Veale congratulates the pig sector on its progress towards reducing antibiotic use. 

21st Nov 2019


Shaping the future of the industry - new Young NPA structure unveiled

The NPA is delighted to announce a new structure to help grow the Young NPA and provide a louder voice for young people in the pig industry.

21st Nov 2019


A Fair Deal For British Pig Farmers - NPA launches 2019 general election manifesto

The next Government must ensure the UK’s ability to produce high quality pork products is not fatally undermined by double standards in our post-Brexit trading arrangements.

20th Nov 2019


RUMA chair writes to the Guardian to correct misleading claims

Gwyn Jones, chairman of the RUMA Alliance has written to the Guardian to correct claims made in an article about antibiotic use in farming. 

20th Nov 2019


Producer margins increase during third quarter

Pig producer margins increased to £7/head in the third quarter of 2019, the first time the industry has been in the black since the first quarter of 2018.

19th Nov 2019


Who won the NPA Allied industry Member of the Year Award?

The NPA Allied Industry Member of the Year was announced at the National Pig Awards on Monday night.