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12th Dec 2019


Poland seeking new powers to shoot wild boar, as Germany ups ASF defences

The Polish Agriculture Minister is proposing new laws to allow the army and police to shoot wild boar to prevent the spread of ASF.

10th Dec 2019


Asda sourcing more British pork, Porkwatch survey shows

Asda has increased the proportion of British pork and bacon on its shelves, the latest AHDB Porkwatch survey shows.

10th Dec 2019


Defra webinars to duscuss new plant health regulations

Defra is holding four webinars over the next two days to discuss the new official controls and plant health regulations that come into effect from December 14. 

9th Dec 2019


Election week - the policies that matter for the pig sector

With election day looming, the NPA has been hard at work setting out our priorities to candidates and scrutinising the main parties' policies. 

6th Dec 2019


Stewart Houston appointed as Red Tractor pig sector chair

Former NPA chairman Stewart Houston has been appointed as Red Tractor’s new Pig Sector Committee Chair and Board Director.

6th Dec 2019


Send us your #PimpedUpPigsInBlankets!

The @GBPork Twitter feed, run by the NPA’s Andrea Vickers, is asking people to send in examples of ‘pimped up’ pigs in blankets in the run up to Christmas. 

5th Dec 2019


Election analysis - where the parties stand on the big issues for pigs

Ahead of the December 12 election, the latest issue of Pig World compared the main parties’ positions on the big issues affecting the pig sector.

5th Dec 2019


"I have rapidly gained a reputation within Defra as that crazy woman who badgers everyone on ASF"

In her latest comment article in Pig World, Zoe provides a positive update on Government-industry African swine fever preparations. 

4th Dec 2019


New cases of ASF discovered in Poland as virus moves to within 40km of German border

New cases of African swine fever (ASF) have been discovered in western Poland, taking the virus even closer to the German border. 

4th Dec 2019


Election insight - the main parties' policies compared

NPA senior policy adviser Ed Barker has delved through the main parties election manifestos to see how their policies stack up for the pig sector.