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16th Jun 2023


Members Area alert - veterinary placement on a pig farm

We have another request from a veterinary student seeking a placement on a pig farm over the summer.  

16th Jun 2023


NPA blog: Latest antibiotic figures represent a huge success - but zinc oxide challenge remains

The eMedicine Book (eMB) figures for the pig sector in 2022 were published by AHDB on June 13 and what a success!

15th Jun 2023


May Porkwatch: Retailers display more British pork, but bacon and sausage down on a year ago

The proportion of British pork on display in major retailers was significantly up in May, compared with a year ago.

15th Jun 2023


Last chance to to apply for Defra animal health and welfare grants grants of up to £25,000

Today is the last chance to apply for grants under the first round of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund.

13th Jun 2023


AHDB to discuss increasing levy rates with industry

AHDB has commenced discussions with levy payers and industry stakeholders about increasing levy rates across its four remaining sectors.

13th Jun 2023


NPA welcomes latest big reduction in pig antibiotic usage

The NPA has welcomed another significant fall in antibiotic usage in the pig sector, continuing the huge progress since 2015. 

9th Jun 2023


Deadline to enter 2023 National Pig Awards fast approaching

There is now just over a week left to get your entry in for the 2023 National Pig Awards. 

7th Jun 2023


A fascinating insight into the European pig sector at the EPP Conference

NPA chief policy adviser Rebecca Veale was part of a UK delegation that enjoyed an interesting few days at the EPP Conference 2023.

5th Jun 2023


Welcome to new allied member - Phileo by Lesaffre UK & Ireland

A warm welcome to our latest allied industry member – Phileo by Lesaffre UK & Ireland.

31st May 2023


MPs in call for evidence on Fairness in the food supply chain

The EFRA Committee has launched a call for evidence into the fairness of the UK food supply chain from ‘farm to fork’.