National Pig Association - The voice of the British pig industry

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5th Jan 2023


2022 was tough, but as NPA, we promise to do all we can to make 2023

Writing in the January issue of Pig World, NPA chief executive Lizzie Wilson looks forward to better things in 2023.

31st Dec 2022


A more optimistic start to 2023 - but we need to get profitability back into pig businesses

In his New Year message, NPA chairman Rob Mutimer says 2023 must be the year that sees profitability return to pig farming.  

29th Dec 2022


What will 2023 bring after the hardest of times for the British pig sector?

NPA vice-chairman Hugh Crabtree sets out his hopes for better times ahead in 2023, after the hardest of times for the UK pig sector. 

28th Dec 2022


NPA seeks clarity on regionalisation in event of ASF outbreak

The NPA is seeking clarity on whether the regionalisation approach in the EU would apply to pork exports in the event of an ASF outbreak in the UK.

27th Dec 2022


Please don't let up on your biosecurity!

We are urging all pig producers to be extra vigilant with your biosecurity over the festive period and into the New Year. 

25th Dec 2022


Merry Christmas from the NPA!

Festive greetings from the NPA. 

24th Dec 2022


NPA over the Christmas period

The NPA staff will be taking a well-earned rest over the festive period. Details of how to contact staff in an emergency are in the Members' Area. 

23rd Dec 2022


Forum latest - apple fine highlights biosecurity gulf!

Our latest poster on the forum has an interesting observation on national biosecurity, during a visit to New Zealand. 

22nd Dec 2022

20th Dec 2022


Porkwatch latest: Retail support for British pork products falls

The proportion of British pork products displayed by UK retailers fell in November, although it remains ahead of 2021 levels.