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13th Feb 2023


YNPA get media savvy

Last week AHDB ran a media training session for Young NPA members to arm them with the tools to engage with both traditional and social media.

13th Feb 2023


Press release: NPA urges to Defra to push ahead with pork supply chain review

The NPA is urging Defra to push forward without delay with its review of the pork supply chain, to help deliver a fairer trading environment for pig producers.

10th Feb 2023


Grants of up to £25,000 to be available soon under Farming Equipment and Technology Fund

New grants of between £1,000 and £25,000 will soon be available the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund.

8th Feb 2023


Industry seeks evidence to back calls for zinc oxide return

Pig industry organisations are working with Defra and the VMD to gather evidence to justify a return of zinc oxide products in the UK in future.

7th Feb 2023


Defra-funded vet visits to be rolled out more widely

Annual Health and Welfare Reviews are set to be rolled out more widely to livestock producers, following successful trials of the initiative.  

6th Feb 2023


NPA responds to South Korea consultation

The NPA has responded to the Department for International Trade’s call for input on trade with South Korea. 

3rd Feb 2023


Defra report on pork supply chain review expected 'very soon'

An eagerly-awaited report by Defra on its review of the pork supply chain is expected ‘very soon’, according to Farming Minister Mark Spencer.

3rd Feb 2023


Government consults on Veterinary Medicines

The long-awaited consultation on veterinary medicine legislation was published on February 2.

31st Jan 2023


Defra environment scheme offers limited benefits for pig farmers - but more opportunities to come

Pig farmers will not see many benefits from Defra’s new environmental schemes, but other funding streams should become increasingly available. 

31st Jan 2023


Last chance to apply for Slurry infrastructure Grant

Members are reminded that today is the last opportunity to apply for a Slurry Infrasructure grant.