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14th May 2019


"Ultimately we supply the product that the processors cannot do without"- more comments on pig prices

The comments continue to come in on the price situation. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck," the latest one suggests.

13th May 2019


African swine fever confirmed at Hong Kong slaughterhouse

ASF has been confirmed at a slaughterhouse in Hong Kong, but plans to cull about 6,000 pigs have been hampered by meat traders, according to reports.

12th May 2019


'Frustrating and unnecessary' - what producers make of the price situation

Pig producers have been having their say on the NPA forum about the current price situation. 

11th May 2019


Reminder: Red Tractor eMB deadline is May 12

The Red Tractor deadline for uploading antibiotic data for the first quarter of 2019 onto the eMB-Pigs database is May 12.

10th May 2019


NPA to push for pig supply chain code of conduct

The NPA is to press for a pig supply chain code of conduct as part of a drive to introduce more transparency in the supply chain.

10th May 2019


Researchers move step closer to wild boar ASF virus

Scientists have published details of research showing 'promising' signs that a vaccine could be developed to help stem the spread of ASF in wild boar.  

10th May 2019


CVO endorses #MuckFreeTruck campaign

Defra Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss has endorsed the NPA-inspired #MuckFreeTruck campaign.  

10th May 2019


ForFarmers shortlisted for Antibiotic Guardian award

ForFarmers, the National Office of Animal Health and Pruex are among the familiar names shortlisted for an Antibiotic Guardian award.

9th May 2019


Lorry washing campaign launched to ensure #MuckFreeTrucks

Pig producers, processors and hauliers are being urged to ensure livestock lorries are properly cleaned, under a new campaign launched this week.

8th May 2019


Brexit to hit pig farm incomes, with or without a deal

Incomes on pig farms would fall as a result of Brexit, whether we leave with or without a deal, according to the latest analysis from AHDB.