National Pig Association - The voice of the British pig industry

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10th Apr 2019


The Pork Report - keep sending us your new product findings

We are continuing to look at new product development in the latest phase of the Pork Report - keep sending in your findings. 

9th Apr 2019


African Swine Fever Opportunity

NFU Mutual, responding to our customer’s needs.

As the threat of African Swine Fever (ASF) to the UK pig production industry heightens, following the continued spread of the disease globally and most recently into Western Europe. Our NFUM agency network have started to express that demand exists in the UK for an ASF insurance solution. National Intermediary Services (part of the NFU Mutual) role is to seek to administer insurance solutions which fit outside of the NFU Mutual core risk appetite with the Insurance market and/or arrange bespoke insurance solutions.

9th Apr 2019


Why farming should be a STEM subject

Former NPA chairman Richard Longthorp sets out his vision for making farming a more attractive career proposition for young people.

8th Apr 2019


Be prepared for Red Tractor risk-based inspections

The NPA is stressing the need for producers to prepare fully for Red Tractor audits as non-conformances can have serious consequences for scheme members.

5th Apr 2019


Ed's Brexit round-up - what now?

In his latest Brexit round-up, Ed Barker tries to make sense of the latest goings on in Westminster... and offers his Grand National tips. 

5th Apr 2019


Defra Minister highlights need to manage growing Forest of Dean feral boar numbers

A Defra Minister has acknowledged the need for a clearer strategy for managing feral boar in the Forest of Dean. 

5th Apr 2019


Why we need to talk about sustainable soya

Rose McCulloch is a consultant at Efeca, which facilitates the UK Sustainable Soya Initiative, explains why sourcing sustainable soya is so important. 

4th Apr 2019


Timeline of a mass pig farm invasion

Writing in the latest of issue of Pig World, NPA chief executive Zoe Davies sets outs the timeline for the activist invasion of a Lincolnshire pig farm.

4th Apr 2019


Producer Group calls for more tolerance and transparency in new Red Tractor inspection regime

NPA producer representatives have called for Red Tractor to introduce more tolerance into its risk-based inspection regime.

4th Apr 2019


Cambodia confirms first case of African swine fever

Cambodia has reported its first outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in backyard pigs near the Vietnam border.