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23rd Apr 2019


Panic in China as ASF takes its toll

The vast majority of Chinese pig farms are not restocking after African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks as 'panic' hits the nation, according to reports.

19th Apr 2019


Brexit stockpiling has held back the UK pig price

Brexit stockpiling has so far prevented UK producers from feeling the benefit of the global pork price uplift, driven by China's African swine fever problems. 

19th Apr 2019


China Crisis

As those of us of a certain age know, one has to pause for breath occasionally on the rush upstairs to the bedroom. 

18th Apr 2019


Pig prices back on the rise

After two consecutive weeks of decline, the EU-spec SPP gained more than half a penny last week.

17th Apr 2019


Red meat cancer study - industry responds

Industry experts have attempted to put the latest study linking consumption of red and processed meat with a higher risk of bowel cancer into context. 

17th Apr 2019


NPA announces new senior policy advisor

The NPA is delighted to announce that Rebecca Veale will be joining the association as our new senior policy advisor next month.

17th Apr 2019


Global pork production to fall by 4% on the back of China ASF woes

Lower productivity in China will result in a 4% reduction in global pork production in 2019, according to the USDA.

17th Apr 2019


NPA welcomes improved Porkwatch survey findings

A welcome increase has been recorded in the proportion of British pork products on display in the major UK retailers.

16th Apr 2019


NPA issues formal complaint over Amazon swill feeding ad

The NPA has submitted a formal complaint about an Amazon advert showing a pet pig being fed kitchen scraps.

16th Apr 2019


Fresh and frozen pork defy downward meat trend - but bacon volumes continue to fall

Fresh and frozen pork sales increased by 1% in the 12 weeks ending March, defying the otherwise downward trend for meat sales.