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19th Feb 2019


Gove rules out tariff-free import access in event of no deal

Michael Gove has announced that the Government will introduce ‘specific and robust protections for farming’ in its post-Brexit tariff-regime.

19th Feb 2019


Batters calls for Brexit food standards commission

Minette Batters is calling for a new commission of food and farming experts to help uphold the high standards of British food production post-Brexit.

18th Feb 2019


15,000 pigs culled as Classical swine fever hits Japan

More than 15,000 pigs have been culled after Classical swine fever was discovered in Japan. 

15th Feb 2019


Arrests made as part of Belgium ASF investigation

Arrests have been made in connection with the judicial investigation into the discovery of African swine fever (ASF) in Belgium, in September.

14th Feb 2019


Percentage of British pork rises in latest Porkwatch survey

The percentage of British pork on display in leading UK retailers rose by 3% between January and November, according to the latest Porkwatch survey.

14th Feb 2019


Chance for levy payers to have a say on AHDB work

Pig producers and allied industry members are encouraged to attend an AHDB Regional meeting later this month. 

13th Feb 2019


Updated NPA security pack now available

The updated NPA Security Pack is now available.

13th Feb 2019


Mind Your Head - importance of farmer mental health highlighted

The Farm Safety Foundation is highlighting the importance of farmers looking after their mental health in the second Mind Your Head week. 

13th Feb 2019


FSA seeking information from exporters of feed products of animal origin

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is asking all businesses that currently export feed products of animal origin (POAO) into the EU to contact it.

12th Feb 2019


Lizzie gives pig industry perspective on rise of veganism activism

NPA policy services officer Lizzie Wilson gave the pig industry’s perspective on the rise of vegan activism during a BBC feature last night.