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1st Nov 2016


Waitrose announces European soya move to reduce reliance on South America

Waitrose is reducing its reliance on South American soya by becoming the first UK retailer to introduce ‘responsibly sourced non-GM soya’ for animal feed from Europe.

1st Nov 2016


Survey confirms pig industry reliance on EU labour as Brexit fears loom

One in five farms and businesses connected to the pig industry would struggle to survive without migrant labour, an NPA survey has indicated.

1st Nov 2016


EU-UK price comparison understating difference by 5-6pkg

The EU reference price comparison is undervaluing domestic pigmeat by 5-6/kg, relative to our EU competitors.

27th Oct 2016


NPA responds to 'disappointing' Daily Mail LA-MRSA claims

The NPA has responded to the latest sensationalist claims in the Daily Mail seeking to link poor practice on pig farms to the potential spread of the LA-MRSA bug to humans. 

26th Oct 2016


Tesco and Asda still bottom of pile as survey shows more British bacon on retail shelves

UK retailers are sourcing more British bacon but there has been little movement in the other pork categories, despite favourable exchange rates, the latest Porkwatch survey shows.

24th Oct 2016


NPA calls for proper controls on soaring Forest of Dean feral wild boar population

The NPA is calling for more concerted efforts to control feral wild boar in the Forest of Dean in response to the threat the rising population poses to commercial pigs.

21st Oct 2016


EU veterinary antibiotic usage declining

Sales of veterinary antibiotics are continuing to fall in most European countries, according to the latest figures released by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

18th Oct 2016


Leadsom launches new export drive as UK pork prospects look bright

Andrea Leadsom has used a visit to the world’s largest food trade fair to launch a new plan to grow British exports.

17th Oct 2016


Deputy chief vet praises NPA antibiotic stance

The Government’s deputy chief vet has praised the NPA for its ‘proactive’ response to the antibiotics issue.

16th Oct 2016


NPA's Georgina Crayford awarded Nuffield scholarship

Georgina will use the scholarship to consider how farmers could address the antibiotics issue.